+44 (0) 2080 909441 info@reaglehealth.com

Reablement Services

Enablement is specialised to empower persons with disabilities. This is a rehabilitation and capacity development; research and innovation are at the heart of our work.
To enable these customers, make positive social impact.

Reablement Services

In respect to existing inclusive policies and legislations Reagle Health has put together a team trained to support your physical and developed the skills to manage emotional needs through out the recovery period. Ensuring the customer returns their independence and have access to services that will improve the quality of life as you know this strategy involves working closely with the customers and their families to attain recovery, confidence and independence as soon as possible.

Help you maintain heart healthy diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins like fish; quitting smoking

Help managing stress with exercise which is a great way to manage hypertensio. Activities include: meditation, deep breathing, massage, muscle relaxation, yoga or tai chi

Being hydrated with the right liquids; quitting to alcohol

Ensuring the administration of your medication

Help increase your physical activity in addition to help you lose weight (if your doctor has recommended it), exercise can help lower blood pressure naturally, and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

Ensuring bed time is observed, especially night care

Taking you for medical appointments