+44 (0) 2080 909441 info@reaglehealth.com

Physical Disabilities

The reason for assistive care and support is so that people are able to live a full, active and meaningful live. No body should be limited by a physical disability and having to be deprived of an active existence.
Physical disabilities includes; sensory impairments, arthritis, replacement arthroplasty (joints and limbs).
Everyone can be involved in their local community; it is equally important to us all. At Reagle Health our
committed staff provides home care and support so that you can live the life you desire and enjoy the
difference in each passing day.

Physical Disabilities Services

Physical disabilities are highly individualized and affects each person differently thus with different interests and aspirations. We are here to harness your uniqueness in strength and abilities son that we can support you accomplish your ambition.

Integrate you into the community- we offer support that helps you connect to family and friends, allows you to acquire education like school, college or club, pursue your interest and passion

Being independent is crucial this is to idulgre you into carrying out independent activiies, like shopping, paying bills

House keeping- get you involved in domestic chores that are within your ability to do

Manage your livelihood – ensuring you are able to finish the set task for the day.

Ensure administration of medication

Being active- drawing up a daily routine where you can follow up wit like, waking up at a certain time, bathing, brushing eating, doing a favourite hobby, and bed time