+44 (0) 2080 909441 info@reaglehealth.com

End of Life Care

As we know end of life is serious commitment that involves both the customers and the carer. While nothing can be done about the ultimate demise, much can be done to make it peaceful and painless as possible. Reagle Health provides essential care and support to enable you design an end of life care plan tailored to meet your needs and specific choices.

End of Life Care

Our career is equipped to understand you practical and spiritual needs at this time. Also, to help patient and their loved ones to cope with feelings and changes related to illness whist maintaining customers dignity and respect.
Our professional care team will be there to the very end.

Ensures that in such time customers wishes are carried out professionally and as expected

In the case where a descision needs to be made, the carer takes into account all the events surrounding the patient and delivers information in a sensitive person-centered manner

Live in carers offer the development of a professional relationship based on respect, compassion and trust

Ensures sensitive approach of communication towards patient and loved when providing useful
information on resources available for the care plan

The career ensures that the patient takes adequate nutritition and is well hydrated to better support the patient

It is a personalized service that is tailored to meet the customers peculiar needs and care choices